Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Captain America and London 007 start implementing our new PRManifseco = Kebebasan Media dan Alam sekitar yang mampan ( 2ensure good environmental sustainability ) = put ( a decision , plan etc.) into effect by supporting some piece of equipment eg Captain America Shield

Captain America and London 007 said anyone can stand for election 28 April 2018 ..... Those who say primatologist “spread” the votes think that seat belongs islamic party only ... in the era DAPenang kick intelligent silverback gorilla out from George(town) to win PKRSelangor DEiG RM 30 billion contract ( a PKR rogue genetic experiment in space 2vs other heros eg wonderwomen in Justice League and X-Men ??? ) .. Built in 14th year of King Jin-Heung's reign , Beopjusa Temple at Songnisan Mountain ..